More case studies

Fast response to Maria

Our Puerto Rican client is a local insurer of residential and commercial property. As Maria moved in we knew our client would be materially impacted. We co-ordinated with the broker and managed to reach the insured's CEO as soon as basic communications were restored locally.

During the call we discussed the potential impact of Maria on their client base and suggested that a projected payment would help give our insured a more positive cash flow position. The payment was agreed verbally and payment transactions were agreed within 24 hours.


Life-saving support 24/7

Our insured’s high-value dressage horse underwent two emergency colic operations in the US. With the agent based in Denmark, the insured in the UK and the horse in the US, our client found themselves in a situation where they were unable to get the right medical information to respond effectively to the emergency.

They notified us and, after a series of late-night phone calls, we arranged for our US equine expert to contact the attending vet. The vet’s initial advice was for the horse to be euthanised. Following our expert's intervention and challenge, this prognosis was reconsidered and, subsequently, the horse made a full recovery.


On the ground fast

After the hurricanes in late 2017 we immediately spoke to organisations on the ground and learnt about the extent of the devastation and understood the need for people and business to get help and support rapidly. To make sure this happened we sent members of our London claims team to the USA to help with the increased workload thus ensuring people got monetary support quickly.

This enabled us to provide immediate on-the-spot decisions on coverage and cut out the need for referrals to London on a large number of cases. This significantly improved turnaround times and service to our clients.